Thursday, March 19, 2009


I remember a long time ago when luggage was just a suitcase that you packed, zipped up and carried with you, no big deal.
But these days everyone has a suitcase on wheels, fair dues, they can get heavy and carrying heavy stuff is a bit 1994.
But people seriously people in London need to learn how to use a suitcase on wheels.
There are over 7 million people in this city and when you come across a douche bag with a suitcase on wheels, who has no idea and is stopping and starting and getting in my way, it makes me want to push them in front of a bus.
So its not bad enough that there are issues with the basic walking down the street, it also is an issue on the tube.
There are the gates that you have to go through, they work on a sensor, once you swipe you ticket, the gates open and you pass through and then they close
Easy enough.
Not apparently
Everyday I have to watch these morons with their suitcase trying to pull them though after the gates have closed or push them through before the go through themselves, then the gates close on them and they get stuck, come on people, it is not that hard.

And whilst I am at it, what is the problem with people who have their bag on the seat and when you ask them to move they look at you like your asking for their first born. I really don't think your bag needs a seat, I have just worked 10 hours and I want to sit down. Here is a novel idea...put your bag on your lap or on the floor, it is peak hour and really you lucky if I don't throw your stuff on the floor if you 'tfft' at me again.
People get on my nerves.


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