I like Valentines day, always have, always will.

I am sick of people who say it is just a commercial made up holiday...are you only saying that as you have no one to buy you flowers...most probably.
So this year, me and some girlfriends decided to get involved and go all out to a fetish club for a valentines day ball.
It was really the most full on thing I have ever done, and it was awesome. There were gimps, naked people, slaves, people getting walked on, men with feet fetishes licking peoples toe jam, I saw a guy who wanted people to put there cigarettes out on him... there were also some lovely normal people there who we chatted to that just wanted to see what was going on like we did, but then they got a bit weird and asked us to join them down stairs...
The downside being that I am a broken woman today, some fatty trod on my foot and it is majorly bruised and I have lost a toe nail, lucky my man does not have a foot fetish cause it is currently out of action.
And I love that in my job, I speak to a hundred and one people on a Monday and they always ask what did I get up to on the weekend... so my response was...um...juswt went to a party...ha ha suckers, you have no idea.
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