T'was, the best of times, the hang over was the worst of times.

It was good good times, lots of people, lots of drinking, lots of dancing in my lounge, lots of good costumes and lots of fake blood.
It all wrapped up at about 7pm, where I found myself in my lounge room surrounded by filth which took a good 4 hours to clean up and resulted in 10 bags of empty bottles and cans the next day for the garbage men.
To say I was hung over the next day, would be the understatement of the decade and having scrub the dirt out of the carpets didn't help the situation of being faced with a tin of salsa that some one had put a cigarette out in...pure class my friends.
best costume - is a tie between Alex and the incredible Hulk and Chris as a Zombie.
Till next year, and I am going to make this an annual event, but there is a rule, no green body paint next year as it is a bitch to get off the walls!
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