Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Single girl activities.

Me and my bestie figured something out the other day, and its gold.

We all know that being single can be hard work.
It can suck the life out of you but then again, it can be not that bad.
I am impartial really, I don't mind being single, then sometimes I love it and sometimes I hate.
But it is a part of life and really it does not rule my life if I am in or out of a relationship.
Other girls though are defined by there singledom and what they do in order to deal with this.
This is where single girl activities come into play.
So in order to 'keep yourself busy' single girls go out and do activities and stuff to take up their time.
I guess in an attempt to not sit at home crying and wishing for a boyfriend.
Cause if they had a boyfriend they would be spending time with them and doing stuff with them so in order to occupy their time, single girl activities come into play.
My flatmate is a perfect example of a loser single girl, well old lady really as she is hitting the big 40 this year...
She is currently doing a whole bag of activities.
Last night she sang in a choir at the local city farm.
Could you be any more lame?
Then on Thursdays she has life drawing class at the local church hall.
And every other week she meets up with other depressed single girls to go watch a film together.
Seriously, what is wrong with going to a film on your own??
And to extend the activity past just a day, last weekend she went hiking up a mountain with a bunch of strangers.
Its to sad.
And not content with her own boring life, she tried to interfere with mine as she has recently tried to get me into the single activity shi*t.
The other night I was knitting.
Its winter time, I like to knit.
I do it as a sort of repetitive brain zone out in front of the TV once a week and it makes stuff so I enjoy it.
She asks me if I have heard of the local knitting circle.
Are you mental?
Do you really think I want to sit around with a bunch of lonely women and talk about getting dumped and how to do a pearl stitch.
Really, I would rather have my toes removed.
My bestie was saying she went on a holiday with a friend and whilst they where on the beach the other girl pulls out a sketch pad and a pencil and starts drawing.
Are you ok?
She asked her what the hell she is doing and she replied that is helps her to relax.
Please, you are on holiday, on a beach, on a deck chair in the sun.
Just lie down .
There. Relaxed!!

So take note, do not sign up for any classes or activities if you are a single girl as you will look like a massive LOSER!!!


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