All Spiced out

Round two of the Spice Girls last night ...It was good, no David Beckham but it was still OK but think twice s definitely enough I am all done but got to say, there is nothing like a coporate box, and its fancy salad and good champagne.
I'm not sure if its a direct link but I currently have a sty in my eye. I've never had one before and it hurts like a mother. According to the doctor on Google you are supposed to rub it with gold, so I was hunting around work for a gold ring, but seriously no one wears gold any more. I was then suggested to rub a gold coin on it, this was a bit hard seeing as we are not pirates, gold coins are a little hard to come by, so the next option was to rub a pound coin on it. A dirty pound coin that 8 million people have touched and rub that on my eye - no thanks!
So they only solution is I am going to get my mum to post her wedding ring over so I can rub it on my eye, then I will post it back. If she does not want to do that I will go the the jewellery shop in my lunch and when they have there back turned I rub my eye all over there gold, I am sure ill get away with that cause seriously with this fringe and a sty I am visually impaired.
P.S Being back at work sucks!
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