Thursday, January 10, 2008


Peeps at work today were talking about crisps, these are what I call chips. Its all very confusing when I ask for hot chips and they say' all chips are hot' but I mean crisps like doritos or salt and vinegar thins or tubes. Anyway I was thinking how good Cheezels are and there are no Cheezels in England, they don't even ave substitute for them so these people have no idea on the joy that they are missing out on, when you put them on your fingers like rings and eat them off or try to whistles through them or if you remember the ad with the 80's girl on the piano pouring them all over herself.
also, they also do not have pumpkin soup over here. At the super market they have every possible flavour of soup but not pumpkin, now that is just crazy considering how cold it is and how much soup people here eat, lunch time, dinner time, for a snack there is always soup around but noooooooooooo pumpkin. Another thing that I really like that they do not have is smoked tuna. Again, every other flavour under the sun, tomato, herb, brine (what is that), olive oil but not smoked, honestly I am going to start importing food products from Australia ,is it really to much to ask for pumkin soup, smoked tuna and cheezels??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long time reader first time commenter...Brine is simply stong salt water used for curing meats, fish and vegetables.

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your posts are a bit dull and you really should check your spelling and grammar before you post. Really.

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Draft #2

Long time reader, first time commenter ...Brine is simply strong salt water used for curing meat, fish and vegetables.

2:19 PM  

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