Things I love

I love the sun. I don't like when it burns me but I do really like it. I think,because I hardly ever see it any more when I do I fall madly in love with it. Yesterday, spent 4 hours just lazying around Hyde park in the sun, its was super sunny duper.
I like a good cry. And not a personal emotional cry, I hate those ones but I like a good out of no where uncalled for cry fest. Like last night, when I was watching Ghost and I sat there and bawled my flipping eyes out, it was brilliant. When he died I cried, when she cries I cried, when he cries I cried, when they play that song I cried. I was a mess for a good two hours and it was amazing.
Jumble sales
I love a jumble sale, nothing better than rummaging though a pile of clothes to un earth a few bargains. 5 items for a pound, you can't go wrong, if you get them home and you realise that they are not right, then you can just use them as clothes to polish furniture, cause at 20p a pop that cheaper than buying a new chux super wipe. But I was so loved up by being at the jumble sale that I gave them £2 for my 5 items and it was a church so I thought that was a good thing to do.
Indian take away
I love Indian food, its brilliant over here in East London. I had to put the breaks on my consumption though as I was going a bit Biriyani crazy but now I have it under control. Still, a Indian take away on the couch on a Sunday night is a fabulous meal. And the best bit, you get to eat the left overs for lunch on a Monday or if like me, you forget to bring the left overs to work (which I do every time) then you get it for dinner and it take just as good, if not better.
My bike
I love my bike. I was really missing my bike when I was on holiday so since I have been back, I have been riding that thing everywhere. Makes me fell good, the wind in my hair, the soot from the bus in my face, the taxis trying to run me off the road. Ah, how relaxing.
Clean sheets
You knwo when you change the sheets on your bed and you get in there and it feels all tight and amazing. I love that feeling so much. And if I wake up after a night of clean sheets I have not moved at all, its like I am so comfortable as soon as I get into bed that that is it, no need to move about. This morning, I got out of bed and just folded back the corner and it was done, bed made. Brilliant.
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