My name is Prince and I want to ...dinga dinga dinga...KISS!

Ah........went to Prince on Saturday night with my pal Louise and had a blast.
He came out in a little box, and was pushed through the crowd and then came up out of the floor in a puff of smoke.
He really is a talented man, played some new stuff ( no idea ) then played heaps of old hits, Diamonds and Peals, Cream, Kiss, Red Corvette and Purple Rain. There were more but I can't remember. He played guitar for ages and did a bit on the piano just making it up as he went along. Did Honky Tonk Woman which was unreal and Nothing Compares to You and Crazy by that Gnarls Barkley. All in all it was a kick arse show - apparently its different ever night and other people that have been said that they had different songs and stuff so I am actually thinking I might go again if I can get a ticket.
Small problem, no cameras were aloud and they were doing bag searches so I had to do a quick switch a roony and stick my camera down my pants which was a bit uncomfortable but better than handing it over! Shame as we had unreal seats and could of got some goods pictures, but as the signs said was a concert for our memories.
On Sunday went to Notting Hill Carnival
We went on the quite day (hardly) apparently 2 million people go to this thing each year. Basically it is just a big street party, and you drink Red Stripe and dance in the street. Wandered around and saw some great floats and massive sound systems. The toilets were a nightmare - you had to pay £1.00 a go but it was desperate times.
Then we scored some tickets to the Vans after party which was brilliant. Hung out with heaps of skaters just boozing and dancing and carrying on till all hours. Monday was a bit of a no go. Here is a tip , don't dye your hair when you are hung over you get that dye EVERYWHERE!!! I am adjusting to life with dark hair - the box said 'Chestnut' but it is a bit of a red brown at the moment, needs to fade a bit then I will let you know.
I went to a PRINCE concert a few years ago and it was bizarre... he did this tiny little "medley" which encompassed a few key bars from his songs, then spent the rest of the time doing some weird experimental guitar/piano shit? i actually walked out, as there is only so much "prince experimental guitar screeching" that one can handle.
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