Saturday, September 01, 2007

My mate Muzza

Went to the Men's Health cover model party last night.
Basically it was a room full of women's trying to get a date with a hot guy. No one succeeded.
Wicked gift bags though, couple of bottles of perfume...straight onto eBay. Had the unfortunate pleasure of getting chatted up by a guy at work who asked me to go home with him, apparently it only cost £10 in a cab to his place and then he was happy to show me where to get the tube from to get back to mine...if that is not the offer of a lifetime I am not sure what is...( I didn't take him up on it)

Also, there is a newish guy at work, Murray. He is from Brisbane. Being the only Australian's at work we are now the best of friends. He is a bit bogan, so I pay him out a bit which is funny and he gives me grief because I am so scared of the sun. Its a great friendship.

I have also discovered a small fault in both of my flat mates...I am not sure why they both have this problem but its getting a annoying and I feel I need to say something

They both constantly talk when the TV is on. Not about non TV related things but its more about the actual show that we are watching.
'What happened?', 'what are they saying?', 'why are they doing that?'.
Come on people, if you were not talking and asking so many question you would hear what is going on and be able to follow the plot.
Tonight is the final of Big Brother and I have been hooked to the series, there are still seven people in the house and they are picking the winner, my money is on Ziggy. Luckily for me, both of the housemates are out tonight so I am home alone to bask in the glory of a quite room with nothing but my Pad Thai and my filthy hangover to keep me company - really its going to be a great night.


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