So I get to work and check my emails, face book etc and my blog there were a few comments including this..
''Your posts are a bit dull and you really should check your spelling and grammar before you post. Really.''
Thanks for ruining my day f*ck wit, the best part is that this comment is from an 'anonymous' person, they don't have the balls or face to tell me who they are or for me to read if they have their own blog - seriously why don't you keep your shit opinions to your self, you my anonymous friend are a loser and I hate you.
''Your posts are a bit dull and you really should check your spelling and grammar before you post. Really.''
Thanks for ruining my day f*ck wit, the best part is that this comment is from an 'anonymous' person, they don't have the balls or face to tell me who they are or for me to read if they have their own blog - seriously why don't you keep your shit opinions to your self, you my anonymous friend are a loser and I hate you.
I've been reading your stuff for a few months now. I found you through "ADyingStar", and liked what I saw (especially the celeb gossip).
I'm sorry to hear some random has spoiled your day, but unfortunately because you're publishing things publicly, you're bound to get reactions like that from time to time. Don't take it to heart - some people are just vicious mofo's with nothing better to do than sledge people all day. It's no real reflection on you at all.
I hope you have a great weekend, and thanks for giving me something to read.
Trolls = muppets.
Don't mind the haters, they are only jealous of your adventures.
Love your blog.
~crazy peanut~
Stupid fuckwit. Obvi the person was never taught that if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.
How lamo
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