Need to go to rehab

On Saturday night, I went to the best party that I have been to in a while. It was my mate Summer's house party which has been a yearly thing for about 5 years and it was fancy dress. I love fancy dress but this time around I was a bit skint on what to wear, then I woke up Saturday morning and though of a brilliant idea..ill go as Amy Winehouse. Below is as much as I can recall from the night - it was massive.
Spend hours doing humongous beehive and lashings of eyeliner
Get train, head South to party and get starred at the whole way there
Find party
Get the lowdown that two guys on the way to the party had a car crash, then the guys who hit them get out and start beating them and they both end up in hospital!
Generally carry on and stay in character so drink ridiculous amounts of beer
Go to the shops for more beer, duck into the pub to use the loo, then get yelled at by the owner because ' the toilets, are only for customers', shout back at him...' don't you know who I am?? I am Amy Winehouse and she is a pirate, we can do what we want!'
Run back to party
Carry on drinking
Watch as some dude trips on his skirt - he was a gladiator and falls down 15 stairs
Carry on drinking
Start yelling at neighbours who were holding a rival party - tell them that their music is not as good as ours
Eat Doritos and hummus
Whole party runs out of beer, no shops open anywhere
Sit around and wait for the first train home
The alcohol wears off and the hang over kicks in
Train home... then train gets delayed
Cab the rest of the way
Call dad for fathers dad - pretend that I just woke up as opposed to just going to bed
Sleep all day Sunday
There were vikings, cowboys, little red riding hood, Samurai's and even 2 dogs that had caps on.
I will defo be there next year. And actually made a bet with this Irish guy dressed as an Arab that the loser would run up and down the road outside the party naked next year but I can not for the life of me remember what the bet was about.
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