Gok Wan

I saw him in Soho yesterday and decided that I love him.
Gok is a stylist that has his own tv shows about making chicks feeling better. He does this by getting them naked, then giving them a make over and a tonne of free clothes. Its a great show and he is awesome on it and always looks so good and he is so well dressed.
Any way, Gok is a gay man. And he is way out there and letting everyone know, which I think is great as I am a fan of people being comfortable with themselves blah blah blah.
Reminds me of the time that I called my receptionist at work gay, and he got offended and I got in trouble for it. Seriously champ, you going and getting your knickers all up in a bunch doesn't half lend itself to the stereotype, please.
Anyway, I have a crush on Gok.
I wonder if a gay man would ever stop being gay and go out with a women. It works the other way, like the time a guy I really liked and went on a few dates, tells me that he was gay after we just spent hours making out on the couch, please.
And you hear of it all the time that men who are married for years with kids, then decides that they are gay. Or the same for women who are married to men with kids then leave their families for another woman, this one has happended to two friends of mine, true.
Gok really would be the perfect boyfriend, he would dress well, and he has cool celeb friends, he has hot tattoos and he is just lovely to look at himself. He wears glasses and is funny and tall and slender. He has dark hair so I don't have to worry about ranger kids. Man he really would be my ideal man apart from the fact that he likes the dudes, he is ticking all the boxes.
So that is it, new favorite person is Gok Wan. I am getting a t-shirt printed that says '' I love GOK''.
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