My Glastonbury round up

Where do I about on the Friday.....well, we got there on Thursday actually so I will start there.
Coach travel is really for Chavs, there is nothing luxurious about a coach, I don't care if you have air conditioning and a video player you are just a glorified bus and the only reason we are taking you is because we don't drive and apparently the trains home are a nightmare, but really the coach sucks.
So we get there, its massive, 1000 acres of farm and tents everywhere it was like a town all by itself.

We finally found our friends and pitched our massive tent and got settled. T
Thursday night was a bit nothing really, just had a drink and a burger and dealt with the pouring rain and it really poured which was lame but thankfully on Saturday it cleared up and stayed that way for the rest of the time that we were there.

I saw so much awesome music and wicked bands, below is my review of the favorites:
Editors - amazing, I love Tom and his sideburns, they were very good
Crowded House - a sentimental favorite for me, bought a little tear to the eye and it was a bit of a a mass singalong
Neil Diamond - The Jewish Elvis. I love Neil, always have and for a oldie he still has the moves, Sweet Caroline was the biggest sing along by far
Newton Faulkner - not a massive fan but when you got a hang over and your lying on the grass drinking a cider he is not bad and he did a good queen cover
Verve - pfft, I think that Richard Ashcroft should get over him self a little, they have about 3 songs that are good but the rest are a bit rubbish and as they were the last people playing the festival you think they would of ended with a big one, like bitter Sweet Sympanty, but no, they played some new sh*t that no one new so they didn't get a massive response
Jay Z - Hit it out of the park, didn't wheel out Beyonce or anyone, but really I don't think he needed to, he was very good and lived up to the hype, he might have 99 problems, but bringing it on is not one of them
Seasick Steve - This crazy old dude who plays blues and country and a diddlebow (that is a one sting instrument) was rad and like a grandad that you wish you had
Elbow - so good, Grounds for divorce is my new favorite song, go listen to it
Hot Chip - you gotta love nerds. I bet the conversations went like this...'hey we can make stuff with computers.Lets make some noise and music and see what happens'...brilliant
Goldfrapp - so lovely, her new stuff is a bit mellow but she cranked out the old dance ones and was radical
Candi Staton - was great, with that song ' You got the love', it was unreal
Leonard Cohen - love a crooner and his voice just melts you away, was not bad for a 79 year old

I am covered in scratches and bruises mainly from having fights with the tent and the portaloos, which might I add where HORRENDOUS.
But by the end of the festival I had my moves down to a fine art, but really,there ain't nothing good about a portaloo on day 5 of a festival.
The 8 hours it took to get home was a bit of a bummer but was bearable only cause I managed to sleep half the time, its amazing that when you are that tired you can sleep in the oddest positions.
The best bit about getting home was the hour and a half that I spent in the shower, washing off 5 days of junk nd then the massive curry I ate and the amazing sleep tha tI had.
But all I all, it was rad and I will defo do it again, so see you next year Glastonbury, you were unreal!!!!
Maybe Verve is rubbish for you,for reason - you musical taste is different?It's not nice call some bands rubbish,if they arn't your favorites.
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