Monday, May 19, 2008

I pod is saving my life

Now we all know I am a little retarded when it comes to technology
Please don't ask me to program anything or upload or re boot - it just goes in one ear and out the other
So I have new ipod, its amazing. New man friend is musician so has every song in the world on his computer and put a heap of cool songs onto it for me. I now have 1656 songs to keep me company and the thing has the alums covers on it - flipping cool.
This morning I spent the walk to the train station spinning that little wheel till it got to the song that I actually wanted but once I mastered it with my giant thumbs I was on my way.
Honestly, I don't know what I have been doing for the least 2 or 3 years without this thing.
It has completely changed my life.
I am actually looking forward to the train journey down to my Grandmothers this Saturday as I will be blasting out the tunes instead of my usual staring out the window due to not being able to read due to the motion sickness that has followed me around my whole life.
I know I am a bit (a lot) behind the eight ball on the whole I pod thing but really it has made such a difference. Its the simples things really, that are the best. Like eating left overs from a really nice dinner for lunch on a Monday - just awesome.


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