Red head men are not hot - that is a fact.

In my time I have only ever know one hot ginger man, he was my friends brother and his name was James.
He was hot, tall and hot and ginger.
The only other hot ginger man on the face of the earth is Josh Homme.
He is so amazingly awesome and sexy I can not even think of words to properly describe his hotness.
I was listening to him growl his way through a few songs today and I died a little inside with love for his radness.
I saw him recently with his band and he was insanely mezmorising.
Now keep in mind his band includes Dave Grohl who is also a fine specimen of a hunk of man and still Josh Homme had me tranfixed on his every move.
He smoked a few cigarettes on stage and his blatant disregard for anti smoking laws was even sexy.
Then he did some kinda dancing along to a song that was more swaying than dancing and even that was brilliant.
I would like to marry Josh Homme, he clearly likes Australians as he married one so if they do not last I will be happily next in line.
I would risk the ginger kids as well, cause if we had a son and they were nearly as cool as him then I would be a happy lady.
Oh Josh Homme, and your growly sexy voice. What I would give for you to just call me and talk to me.
Mega swoon.
You are a superficial idiot.
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