Tuesday, June 08, 2010

I am going to write a book...

Just like that book, 'He died with a Felafel in his hand'.

You guessed it, its going to be about my a**hole flatmate.
I know this is not news but I really really hate her.
I would move out but I cant find anywhere nice to live. And she is never going to leave so I am stuck with her, it makes for good stories but seriously I wish she would just disappear.

So the latest is this...
We got a letter from the real estate about our lease, its up and are we staying on.
We had a chat about it last week, and we all said we would stay, so that is that.
The letter is in the hall on the table and we have a month to reply.
So this morning she leaves this big psycho note on the mirror saying, '' WE HAVE TO CONTACT THE ESTATE AGENT ABOUT THIS IF WE ARE STAYING!!!! ''
Um, ok, no sh*t nutcase!!
Then she come out of her room and goes 'did you see my note?'
What do you think, you wrote it in a black marker pen on fluro pink paper!!
Of course I saw your note, the whole world has seen your note!

So then today, the mails start form her...
Whine whine whine, we need to do this, we meed to do that. We need to do the garden...
How abut, I could not give less of a sh*t about the garden right now.
If you want to do the garden, then you get your fat troll a** out there and do it cause ill be damned if I am arranging my life around pulling out weeds and I most definitely do not want to do it with you.
She says, 'Can you let m know if you are home tonight to do it cause otherwise I will go out'.
Really, do I care?
Will she ever figure this out?


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