Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Wagon wheels

I love wagon wheels, it is in my top three of things that I would choose if I could choose any kind of chocolaty snack, I would also chose a cherry ripe or a peppermint crisp but that is another story.
So wagon wheels remind me of good times.
No good time in particular but I don't think I have ever not enjoyed a wagon wheel.
I guess it can be linked to why I like Monaco bars so much, they are both biscuit based, with chocolate and other stuff.
Wagon wheels as I remember are round biscuits (hence the wheel bit) and they are dipped in chocolate, with a marshmallow bit in them and some jam.
Now, it had been a while since I had the pleasure of consuming one of these lovely treat but that is how I remember them, good times with biscuit, chocolate, marshmallow and jam that is what I remember.
So today, there where wagon wheels in the fridge at work. Why, I don't know but I grabbed one all the same.
So I tear it open and take a bite.
Where is the jam.
There was no jam.
I asked my co worker who informed me that they never had jam.
I really do remember there being jam, it was jam and they marshmallow stuff, together that is why it was so good.
So I did some research, there was never any jam.
The Internet never lies, so now I am puzzled as to why I thought there was jam.
I am disappointed and let down.
All my good memories of eating wagon wheels have now gone to pot and I vow to never eat another one, unless it has jam in it.
I don't even really like jam, but I want it in my wheel.
I think this calls for a letter, a serious letter to Arnotts and some questions need to be answered, I am also going to request that they make a wagon wheel with jam, they can call it, the 'Wagon wheels with jam'.
Also, the ads on TV with the slugs or snails or whatever they were, they were hiccuping....
'Hic, le wagon wheel, hic le wagon wheel'...
Good times - ruined.


Blogger Rach said...

there has always been Jam!

what is up with that crazy hemisphere???!

i'll bring some on my trip so we can reminince

oh and hells yeahhhhhhhhh peppermint crisp!!!!

2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is totally jam, pleaase bring me a jam filled wagon wheel!!
also, there are no cheezles or twistie in this country..just a warning.

9:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn it, there was jam!

12:06 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

There's Jam on the Australian variant of Wagon Wheels. And Marshmallow.

4:52 PM  

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