Thursday, March 11, 2010


Its a funny thing.

I would say I am a big believer in it, but that steams from guilt.
If I do something bad, I feel guilty, so I try not to be bad so then Karma does not come and get me.
I have had my fair share of ' I told you so' or 'serves you right' which I think are all Karma related.
So, last night, I get on the bus and there is a big fat juicy wallet on the floor.
I pick it up..don't even open it to take the cash that was bulging out and give it to the bus driver.
Now, that was one good dead.
I was pretty shattered after work so didn't really stop to think what else to do, I just did the good part of the option.
The bus was packed and heaps of people saw me do it, including two hobo's, seriously if they tried a little harder they would of seen it first, but they were to busy being smacked out junkies to notice. Fools.
Any way, I am now waiting for the Karma police to turn up at my desk.
I just spilt beetroot salad down my new dress so that sucks, and its not what I want.
I want good stuff to happen please.
Heaps of good stuff to come my way.
A new job perhaps, a winning lotto ticket. A free holiday. Any of these things I would like.
Come on Karma.
I am ready for you!


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