News flash ladies...ROBERT PATTERSON IS NOT HOT!!!!
And no, I have not seen the Twilight movie or read the book but don't give me the vampires are hot crap cause honey, I am down with the neck biting and the staying up late but really, get a
grip.R Paz as he is called he in swinging London was at some movie premier last night for some rubbish new film he is in and he looked like this...

Um...what is hot about this?
He permanently looks stoned, he is so pale he is almost translucent, and his eyebrows are to far apart.
I don't get it.
I admit, I have liked some ugly men in my time and my taste in not to everyone's like, I like a tortured soul you see, which usually comes with a tortured face, its endearing.
But come on people, wake the hell up.
He is not hot!!
He looks odd and washed out, almost grey and his girlfriend, she is a stoner to.
Together, I bet they just sit around all day getting high and talking about how much pain they feel and the constant struggle they have between their soul and their emotions.
F**king ugly Robert Patterson, I am sick of his mug.
Get the hell out of my town.
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