Tuesday, February 05, 2008


My mum always used to write letters complaining about things. Not just in general but I remember when we were kids an she bought something and it was not right she would write them a letter and usually get something for free. My dad did it once because they changed the ingredients in his cigarettes and he got a box of free cigarettes. I think I come from a long list of complainers cause my grandma like to have a good moan but that might just be cause she is English. I find as I am getting older I am writing a few letters when something ticks me off , I just feel the need to get it off my chest...

On Saturday night I went out in my area, to a few bars then was due to meet up with some friends at a club/bar. The short of it is we were not let in and I had a massive go at the door guy/girl/idiot wearing a plastic bag as a dress thinking he/she /it was all that because there was NO reason why we should not of been let in and they/she/it called me a bi*ch as we were walking away.
So instead of letting it rest, I wrote a letter today to the manager of the bar and I am not stopping there, I am sending my letter to Time Out magazine which does a 'Name & Shame' section and fingers crossed they publish my 5 cents worth.

Once the smoke stopped coming out from my ears,I was talking to this guy who is from Chilli. He was super interested in me being from Australia and was asking lots of questions. He asked me what a traditional Australian food was.... Ummm...the meat pie? A Pavlova? Am I a bad Australian because I don't know the answer?
Then he asked me what a traditional Australian dance was...The bus stop? The nutbush?The Locomotion? honestly I have no idea it can't be a corroboree cause I've never done one of them but I am first on the dance floor when the Nutbush comes on.
Unfortunately he didn't ask me what a traditional Australian emblem was, cause I would of aced that question.


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