Thursday, May 05, 2011


I have been ignoring the old blog of late, not due to lost love for it, more due to lack of time.

So here is a quick overview of recent activity.

I had a holiday to America which was fab, went to LA then Coachella festival and then Vegas. Was an all around brilliant time.
Those American's though, man they like to free pour their spirits.
And man, I can not handle it.
Think the worst was the night out before we where due to fly home on 3 seperate flights.
There is nothing like throwing up in an airpirt bin as you are making your way to a conecting flight wit hnot much time to spare.
Not my finest moment by any means.

We had a royal weeding in London.
My street had a good old knee's up - this is cockney for 'a party'.
So a big street party which was lots of fun.
Met lots of neighbours, and ate and drank and played with random kids.
All came to a very abrubt end when some speakers fell out of a 2nd floor balcony onto a girls face.
Bad times.

My job has exploded into the busiest most horrendous job ever.
Had to work on a Sunday and a public holdaiy which I was not happy about, but I get 4 days holdiay back in return so jokes on them when I bugger off for a week and they will have squat to say about it.

I have joined twitter.
Its strange.
I am not twittering much, more following people. The thing I dont get, is that celebrities love to have a cry about the paparazzi and being followed etc, thn they are all on twitter telling us all what they do at all times of the day.

Think that is it for now.