Friday, November 30, 2007

Ice Ice Baby

Got taken to the Absolut Ice bar the other night with some work peeps. It was alirght, kind of a novelty thing and then the novelty wore off pretty quickly. You have to wear these crazy blue coats and think gloves and you walk into what is basically a freezer room. There aint much going on in there, just big blocks of ice. The drinks are ok, just for a suprise, they all have absolut in them.
It was alright, we went to a fancy dinner after which was better. Its not a place I would ever go to again, or even recomend but hey at least ive done it.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I love Dita

Got free tickets to the Erotica show...its just a big trade sex show really,the reason we went was to see Dita Von Tease perform. She was awesome and so so so glamorous. The rest of the show was basically freaks walking around in leather chaps with all there bits hanging out and men being lead around with dog collars and people do naked paintings and other weird nude stuff, it was just a big hall of crazy's. I tried to take photos but was abou tto get thrown out by security so they are just blurs but like the sign said...I'll have the memories...
And again Ive proved that its not such a small world... On Saturday night I was at a club in Kings Cross and I heard some Australians talking behind me and I turned around and I went to primary school with one of them!
I have not seen here since I was 12! We were tight but then went to different schools so that was the end of that friendship, any way she lives here now and we are going to catch up this week - tops!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Stupid Scott

Ok ok ok ok ok...
I have been noticing this thing happen at my work for a couple of months now and I have come to the conclusion that it is no good.
What is with the guys at work taking a magazine into the toilet with them? I now why they are going in there and I now they a planing to read the magazine on the can but isn't that some thing you do at home? It got to the point today where Scott walked past my desk and asked if he could borrow my Maxim magazine, I said yes, they he walked off and 10 mins later walked back to his desk sans the I asked him for it back , and he said 'oh I left it in the toilet'. WTF? If its your own mag I could not care less but its my flippin mag and now its sitting in the stinkin men's toilet! He offered to get it for me but really I think ill just request a new copy.
Stupid Scott at work.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Foo Fighters = My favorite band (right now)

I love Dave Grohl, I have for a while but after last night, I now love him more than ever. Taylor is also very nice but I have to admit that my heart really belongs to the front man. I remember, when he was in Nirvana and he was defo my favorite with his lovely long hair...
Last night I went to see the Foo Fighters and they where un flippin unreal!!!
I will admit, my seat was dead set the worst seat in the house. No joke, I was in row R. And the last row was row W so you see, I was really 5 rows from the back of a stadium that holds 20,000 peeps which was a bit lame but tickets sold out in about 2 seconds so that was all that was left. I took a few pictures but you can see nothing in them, I am getting good at sneaking my camera into concerts in my underpants.
I got there way to early, but was pleasantly surprised when Dave & Taylor came on with the support band who where a bit crap, so they made it better.
They did all the old stuff and some new stuff and all the ones in between and it was tops.
And to make it a million times better (if that is possible) Today it was announced that they are playing Wembley next June and tickets go on sale this Friday - I am THERE!!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Small World

Well... actually it is huge, there are millions of people and thousands of places to go but sometimes you run into people in the most random way. Last night I was out and waiting for the bus home in the middle of Shoreditch and this group of guys walks past and this guy goes...'Hi Daniela'....I said 'Hi Sandy'....
Ok so I worked in a bar about 4 years ago and this guy Sandy was a regular and I haven't seen him once since then and then all of a sudden he turns up on the street in East London when I am waiting for a bus. Random.
He tells me he has lived around there for a year and that it was his farewell party as he was going back to Sydney today. So no need to swap numbers, we left it on the terms of we will see each other in Cuba in a few years just randomly - love it.
And another thing, went to lunch today at swanky restaurant and I am not sure how much the total bill was but I ordered tuna and is cost £28!!!!! That is $70 for a meal!!! That is stupid money, it was possibly the best thing I have ever eaten but come on now, that is just insane. Lucky I was not paying.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

There are many things that are no fun...

Having a runny nose, getting a hole in your stockings, making a curry to hot to even eat, hang overs, I really could continue...
But number one on my list, is falling over.
I was on my way to work and slipped on the pavement. I didn't trip, I didn't get knocked over, I just slipped, I think its just the embarsement of it that gets me the most and also the fact that I have seriously hurt my wrist. When you are a kid you fall over all the time and its not a problem but now, I have a long way to fall and it hurt like hell! I am waiting for the bruise on my bum to come up - thats goin got be a corker.
I limped to work and have had a nightmare of a day and I am blaming it soley on the dodgy start with my falling over - curse you stupid slippy London pavement.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Work productivity at an all time low.

So last night went out for my birthday, it was a tops night. I think going to a cocktail bar when its 2 for 1 happy hour kinda was a brilliant idea.
There was some super bad dancing, some singing and a lot of carrying on. We ended up at a posh nightclub in Knightsbridge where some famous footballers but I got no idea who they were till about 3am!
Didn't buy a drink all idea Ive had for a while was to invite the boss who has the platinum card.
It was the best of times, also the drunkest of time and now I feel the most hung over of all time.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Closer to 30 than 20

Another birthday, another wrinkle.
Well not exactly but maybe a few 'fine lines'.
I actually don't mind getting older, its kinda good I might not say that when the grey hair starts to show but until then...
I got a few cards, some phone calls,some cash, a purdy scarf, a brooch and a killer book that I actually wanted - I tell you I was eying it off last week - my mate is physic!
Also got a pedicure with a rep - was talked into hot pink nail polish - defo not my colour and will defo not being doing that again. All in all, good times all around.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Guten Tag!

On Thursday I headed across to Berlin for a few days to have a poke around. It was tops.
As soon as I landed I was singing that 'Danke Shon' song from Ferris Buller's day off - too funny.
I went on a free tour around all the sites and saw parts of the wall and Hitlers bunker - which is now a car park and the Holocaust memorial.
Went to my third out of the four Guggenheim's, it was the least impressive so far, it was just 1 room with about 6 pictures and that was it! But the Modern Art museum was the nuts, with heaps of crazy German art.
Unfortunately my hostel was a dump - I've had some crap ones so far but this was defo one of the worst, nothing like cold showers for 4 days to really make you think about spending a bit more next time.
I still speak NOOOOO German, there where times when I was just standing there...having no idea where I was or what people where saying, but I made it back in one piece.
Check my pictures.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Zig a zig ahhh hah ha ha ha!!!

You think you are having a good day...not to busy, nice lunch at the pub, book a pedicure for your birthday... then all of a sudden you get amazing news and your day just gets a million times better.
I have a box seat to the Spice Girls!!!!
This is rather exciting, I had my name in the ticket ballot but didn't get tickets and they were major expensive anyway but now I am going for FREE which makes it 117 times better.
Some sales rep who I have never met or spent any money with and to be honest, ill probably never spend anything with them either, is taking a group of us from work - its super duper exciting. We are already planning our costumes, of course I am ginger spice, just like the time I dressed up like her for my end of year 10 concert - it was good, we won a prize for best group.
Now, If I can get my hands on Take That tickets my life will be complete.