Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What you scared of?

I don't think have any real phobias, there is nothing that terrifies me or leaves me scared to death.
I am not a massive fan of height but its not like I will die if I go up a tall building.
And I don't really like the dark, but that's ok, i just do go out in dark areas that much.
I guess lots of people do have phobias and some may be stranger than others.
Today at work I was wearing my new black velvet skirt.
It is lush to the power of 3 is soft like a baby seal I am basically in love with it.
So I was standing next to a girl at work & looking at some spreadsheet and she was like, um, can you move over a bit.
I said, sure why am I to close to you?
She says, no its just I am scared of velvet.
Hey what?
So of course I asked her touch my skirt, she looked like was going to vomit.
Apparently she gets a total gag just thinking about it, so basically she is not a fan of my new baby.
And then I remembered I used to work with this other guy who was scared of Rocky Road.
It was to funny.
Once he ran away from some that was left on his desk as a present.
I also love that if someone tells you a weird phobia instantly your brain thinks, how can we make them, touch, eat, smell or whatever to the thing they just told you that they are scared of.
Why, to see if it is true?
I don't know but velvet and rocky road...its to good.

Monday, October 25, 2010

News just in...

I jsut got this email , what a nut bag...

I'm sorry if I offended you with the £8 price of toliet rolls on the board, I assumed you'd got confused, as they're usually £4-5.... I just wasn't thinking..
Annnyway, I guess I was just tired after having spent quite a few hours cleaning the fridge/house yesterday. The bath was looking so dirty I just couldn't bare having another shower in it..... I should've mentioned something to you, but I didn't want to as you had a hangover...

Really, what do I say to this...
I am done.

I bought some toilet papaer yesterday.

Nothing amazing about that, but as I have the pleasure of living with two strangers I will be damned if I am buying toilet paper for them to use for free.
So when I ever I do this, or whenever they do it, we just write it up on the chalk board in the kitchen and then pay each other back.
It has always been like this and this system works.
So like I said, I bought some loo roll yesterday.
It cost £4 for a pack of 9, was on special, amazing.
So when I got home I wrote it on the board and then remembered that I did not write it down last time, so I wrote £8 instead.
So a few hours later I was in the kitchen again and noticed that my f**king dumb a** flatmate had scrubbed it out and written £5 instead!!
Really, are you mental?
Well, we all know that is true but seriously who does she think she is??
Instead of asking me if she to see if this was wrong, she just goes and changes it herself, to what, maybe what she thinks it actually cost me...
Um, get a f**king life and don't tell me how much money I spent, when I know exactly what it cost me you nut case!!
So I get the chalk out and write over her £5 in the biggest messiest writing ever with a massive £8, about 3 times the size of everything else on the board, so it is so bleeding obvious that I am writing £8 not a £5.
I swear if she was home would of punched her square in the nose.
Man, she reeks of only child and is possibly the most selfish and self centre person I have ever met.
If I see her tonight I can not wait to ask her why she changed it and then I will have to restrain myself form ripped my hair out in total frustration for her utter ignorance to anyone else but herself.
I swear she is dead set on believing that the whole world revolves around her and her fat a**.
Stupid stupid flatmate.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Zits are sh*t. Fact.

When will I stop getting spots?
I don't get many, which is lucky but every now and then I wake up with one...really am I not old enough now to not have to deal with this?
And today I have a super important job interview and I have a f**king zit.
I could cut my face off I am so angry.
Do I leave it and just have it winking at me in the mirror?
Or do I do some surgery and try to get rid?
Or do I stack on the make up and pretend like its not there?
So annoying and after interview have date....seriously, could this timing be any worse?!!?!?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Single girl activities.

Me and my bestie figured something out the other day, and its gold.

We all know that being single can be hard work.
It can suck the life out of you but then again, it can be not that bad.
I am impartial really, I don't mind being single, then sometimes I love it and sometimes I hate.
But it is a part of life and really it does not rule my life if I am in or out of a relationship.
Other girls though are defined by there singledom and what they do in order to deal with this.
This is where single girl activities come into play.
So in order to 'keep yourself busy' single girls go out and do activities and stuff to take up their time.
I guess in an attempt to not sit at home crying and wishing for a boyfriend.
Cause if they had a boyfriend they would be spending time with them and doing stuff with them so in order to occupy their time, single girl activities come into play.
My flatmate is a perfect example of a loser single girl, well old lady really as she is hitting the big 40 this year...
She is currently doing a whole bag of activities.
Last night she sang in a choir at the local city farm.
Could you be any more lame?
Then on Thursdays she has life drawing class at the local church hall.
And every other week she meets up with other depressed single girls to go watch a film together.
Seriously, what is wrong with going to a film on your own??
And to extend the activity past just a day, last weekend she went hiking up a mountain with a bunch of strangers.
Its to sad.
And not content with her own boring life, she tried to interfere with mine as she has recently tried to get me into the single activity shi*t.
The other night I was knitting.
Its winter time, I like to knit.
I do it as a sort of repetitive brain zone out in front of the TV once a week and it makes stuff so I enjoy it.
She asks me if I have heard of the local knitting circle.
Are you mental?
Do you really think I want to sit around with a bunch of lonely women and talk about getting dumped and how to do a pearl stitch.
Really, I would rather have my toes removed.
My bestie was saying she went on a holiday with a friend and whilst they where on the beach the other girl pulls out a sketch pad and a pencil and starts drawing.
Are you ok?
She asked her what the hell she is doing and she replied that is helps her to relax.
Please, you are on holiday, on a beach, on a deck chair in the sun.
Just lie down .
There. Relaxed!!

So take note, do not sign up for any classes or activities if you are a single girl as you will look like a massive LOSER!!!

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Just going out for a glass of wine, then straight home.

As if.
This never happens.
Cocktails, wine, more cocktails and wine later...
Deep breathing on the tube home so to not vomit everywhere every time the tube pulls into a station.
Then get off the bus a stop early to walk and get fresh air.
Then hot chips with garlic and chilli sauce.
Standing in my kitchen eating beetroot out of the jar.
Trying to drink water but getting the hiccups cause I ate the hot chips in about 0.7 seconds.
Crawl into bed.
Room spinning, a bit clockwise, oh no, its anti clockwise.
Then the next thing, its 7am and my 3 alarms are going off and my head feels like its exploding in my ear.
I finally get to work about 45 mins late.
I have done 1 job today.
I loaded 8 bookings onto the my system.
I have done this about a million times, no joke.
Its should take oh, about 10 mins.
Its tool me 3 hours!!
No wor dof a lie.
It was the most stressful thing I have ever done.
Now, I am just sitting here.
Drinking coke.
Waiting for a socially acceptable time to go home.
Need bed.
Never drinking on a Thursday ever again.