Saturday, August 13, 2011


You know how my flatmate was a f**king retard?
Well, guess what?
She still is.
So we need some repairs done to our house, its a bit old and falling apart etc.
So this week I organise a builder to come and fix it etc, so I email my 2 flatmates and tell them this and tell them that the builder is coming on Friday at 7.30am.
This is the important fact, as the builders will mainly be in the bathroom. so my email to the flatmates pretty much said:
'Don't be in the bathroom after 7.30 as the builders need to fix t and do stuff in there ''
Pretty straight forward right?
So I emailed flatmates again yesterday just as a reminder.
My alarm goes off this morning.
I get up, have a shower.
It is before 7.30
The builders knocks on the door and Ilet them in, and guess what happens?
Idiot face gets up and goes ' Oh I need the bathroom'.
I take a deep breath.
She goes 'Oh , I really need to have a shower'.
Um, hello!
Builders are here now!!!
Like I said in my email that they would be here.
The mail that I sent you twice!
F**k sake, what else do I need to do for this woman!!
So the builders say, they are just quoting so wont be long etc.
So I take them to the bathroom and show them what needs doing etc.
And old dosey bones just stands there looking at us, waiting for us to be out of the bathroom so she can use it.
To be honest, I did talk more than I need to and kept them longer than necessary, I did this totally on purpose.
Then she somehow goes away, back to her room.
The builders leave.
Then half an hour later I leave for work.
Ad she cones out if her her room and says...
Oh are the builders gone?

I couldn't actually say anything.
I just looked at her and left.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


A lot of my friends have babies.
That is great.
I love a baby.
Bring them on.
It there is a bay around , I will have it, I will hold it, I can feed it, whatever you need.
I love those babies.
So, these friends of mine.
The ones with the babies.
Are doing somethin gthat drives me bonkers...
This one thing about that they are all doing lately...
baby sunglasses.
Why the f**k would you put sunglasses on a baby?
I don't get it !!
I mean come on, its not necessary is it?
This stupid plastic pick elastic strap sunglasses things on the babies.
They look ridiculous!
Sure its sunny sometimes, but keep your baby in the shade if you don't want sun in its eyes.
When I was a kid no one had baby sunglasses and we all turned out fine so why now do babies need sun glasses?
It is crazy.
And really, if one more person asks me how cute I think little baby looks with glasses on I think I may vomit on the baby.
Really, do I have to answer!
So so unnecessary and stupid.
What a joke.
And don't get me started on babies with earrings...

Monday, August 01, 2011

How awkward...

So this is a picture of Princess Eugenie, it was taken this Sunday at a royal wedding.
Those royals love a wedding, and so do I .
Please note the blue dress she is wearing...
I love this.
And I also wore it to a wedding,
I think that a royal wearing a dress I have is amazing.
She is 6th in line to the throne, which is pretty impressive.
Not that I would even wish to think of anything bad happening to the other 5 in front of her.
but technically she could be queen.
So I have a dress that the maybe one day, could possibly be Queen of England is wearing.
One small note...I wore this dress about 1.5 years ago, so she may be a little out of fashion, but whatevs, I think she still looks nice it it (but clearly not as nice as I did though...)