Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Small world

So, yep there are about 4.28 million people that live in Sydney's metropolitan area. I think in my time there I dated about half of them, well that is how it feels anyway.
This morning I was on the amazing Facebook, really I love to hate it but it is a good stalking tool so I stay on there.
It was this guys birthday on Sunday back in ye old Sydney town and there where some picks up of his party. Lets call the birthday boy J. I knew him threw my old boyfriend, they were mates and still are.
So I am looking though the photos, there is my old boyfriend, lets call him T ( I know J though T) and standing right next to T is my other old boyfriend, lets call him G.
This is really great, there were about 30 people at this party and there are the two old boyfriends, in a photo standing right next to each other drinking a beer each having no idea that I went out with either of them.
I think this is rather funny, I wonder if they got along? Maybe they discussed their love of red head. Awesome.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Good stuff

One thing that every girl in every office job in the whole world wants is flowers delivered to their work.
Today I got a MASSIVE bunch of red roses delivered to the office.
Ok, so they are from a gay man but still it counts. He is the editor of a gay mag and wants my business, and if he keeps this up, he is going to get it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I look good for my age

Yep, This is what I was told on Friday night on my birthday.
You would think I was turning 440 but no, I turned 27. Some girl/child came up to me to wish me happy birthday and asked me how I was...I told her 27 and she said 'You look good for your age'. I still can not work out if this is a direct insult or a weird compliment.
I told my Grandmother that she looked good for her age when she turned 90 so the more I think about it, its an insult.
Lucky it was the end of the night and I was ready to go otherwise there would of been tears, actually, there were tears but of the laughter variety when my friend was busting out some Napoleon Dynamite dance moves.
Over all, was a tops night. There was drinking and dancing and flowers and carrying on.
There was even a fillet o fish at McDonald's on Oxford Street at 3am and a long bus ride home but all in all was a superb night.
Birthdays really are great, and I wish I had more than one a year, but considering the horrendous hangover I had on Saturday and the dull headache that stuck around till Sunday, I think it is probably for the best that they come around every 365 days.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Friday night.

I love a Friday night out.
I think it is way better than a Saturday night out.
On a Friday you just go out after work and the you have the whole weekend to do stuff even if you are hung over and sleep in a bit.
You don't have to worry about what you are wearing, cause you just change your top and whack on some eyeliner and you have the ' I just came straight from work ' excuse.
You don't eat dinner as you are out drinking at the usual eating time, so it is a perfect excuse to grab something really rubbish that you would never normally eat. My favorite being a falafel with chili garlic sauce, extra chili garlic sauce.

Photos always happen on Friday - I always have my camera with me in my work bag, so there are plenty of opportunities for crazy drunk photos, for example:

I have no Idea what Jarrod is doing in this pictures. I assume he is holding that cotton wool like a beard but why he is at my bottom is beyond me. And I don't remember him doing it..

The next one is me and Jarrod playing with my hair, to make it look like moustaches and eyebrows. Why...I don't really know. I am wearing devil horns as it was Halloween - I do not normally where stupid shit like this and Jarrod,well he is wearing the beard from before as his new eyebrows.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

You know its time for a diet when...

Now I don't know how much I weigh. I have not know for a while now.
The last time I weighed myself I was at my grandmas house but her scales are in stone or pounds or something equally as ridiculous. so I have no idea.
I usually know if I have lost or gained weight but what notch I use on my belt.
I have been wearing the same brown leather belt since I was approximately 19, it was my dads belt and it is awesome. When I was 19 he even punched a few extra hols in it because it as way to big for me, but know it is the right size.
But lately I have been on a skinnier hole than usual so I guess I have lost some weight which works for me.
Now, last night, I went home, after being stood up for a date (a** hole) and I sat on the edge of my bed. I have a futon which has a wooden base and all of a sudden I heard a loud crack.
I broke one of the slats on the bed.
In my defence, I was sitting right on the edge of the plank which has no support underneath it, but still I was a bit embarrassed.
Its a dumb feeling being embarrassed when there is no one around.
I mean, no one knows about it, you cant see it, no one will ever know but all the same...very embarrassing.
Diets are shit, I don't do them but I think as I am approaching another birthday I might have to start to think about it. Unfortunately I have a few fat aunties so I might start going side ways if I am not care full and we can not have that.