Friday, January 16, 2009

Compliments are funny things

Got a killer complement today.
Was told I looked a lesbian..a hot lesbian.
Not sure why I looked like a lesbian, maybe it was the men's shirt I was wearing but everything else up to the red lipstick was all women.

Also, is it ok to go on a date with a man only because he has a cool name?
My friend is setting me up with this guy who has the coolest name ever. It is a rock star name, a cowboy name. I am smitten with this name and if I go out with him I will introduce him by his full name.
I am in love, with this guys name and he also has cannons for arms. Tick.

Friday, January 09, 2009

The fury is rising again

Dear flatmate,

We have lived together now for approx 1 and 1/2 years. In this time there have been highs and lows, good times and bad, we had a few tense moments but we talked it out.
I don't really want to hang out with you outside of the living vicinity, as I keep declining your requests for drinks/dinner/whatever but that is a whole other topic.

I would like to bring to your attention how close I was to throwing a saucepan at you last night.

As you know, I have always gotten up at 7am, Monday to Friday to have a shower . This has been the case from day 1.
If I am not going to work, have a late meeting then sure, I wont get u at 7am, I will wait till everyone else has showered and then I will go last as I know that If I have not used my allocated time slot then it is not fair to steal someone else's.

This week, out of the blue you have been up and in the shower at 7 am.

At first, I thought it was a 1 off, but no so far it has been a 4 off ,and I am sure tomorrow morning you will do it again.

So last night in the kitchen when I asked you why you where showering earlier than usual and you replied ''No I am not, what do you mean?''

Well, dearest flatmate, I mean that usual I am in the shower at 7am and you are not! SO WHY ARE YOU MESSING UP MY MORNING BY CHANGING YOUR TIME SLOT AND THINKING IT WILL NOT EFFECT ME!

Honestly, lets just go back to the way it was and we can forget about all of this otherwise I will start turning the hot water off when you are in there to punish you.

Thank you


Wednesday, January 07, 2009

New Year, New Stuff.

So back to work after New Years.
Nothing like walking to the tube stop in THE SNOW, then getting there and dealing with a fare increase as a warm welcome back to your working week!

This year, I have decided is going to be the official year of new stuff. My resolution is if it is new, then I am doing it.
I will be going to new places, such as travel to far off flung lands. I will be increasing my levels of cultural consumption by going to more galleries and theatre and exhibitions and this also includes festivals and concerts.
I will be trying new things, like doing a weekly dance class and finding my local swimming pool (lets hope it is heated). I will go to more places that I have not been instead of just going to my usual favorite haunts.
I am also going to make a conscious effort to wear lipstick this year, I have decided that I am at an age where is is acceptable to wear lipstick any day for no occasion apart from the fact that I want to put colour on my lips.

Will be good times.