Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I went out on Friday.
I feel over.
I now have a bruise the size of Texas on my bum.
Also, my a**hole friend stood there and laughed at me, laughed as I fell.
So once I was back up I went slightly ballistic at him!
Then, by the time I fell again, he was swooping me up before I got to hit the tiles but I still managed to hurt myself.
I blame, the shoes.
5 inches of brown wooden goodness does not make for appropriate dance floor footwear.
I also blame the 172,000 drinks I may or may not of drunk.
But mainly I blame the shoes.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I hate my flatmate.
Nothing new there.
But she constantly seems to amaze me with how much of a di*k she is.
Sometimes, I think she is fine but no, she goes and is a retard again and then I go back to realised she is insane.
Last night.
I came home, went down to my room and noticed that my fur jacket had been taken off the stair banister.
It had been put in my room.
So I put my jacket on the banister, which I always do.
And put the fur jacket back there to.
So then later I am watching TV in the lounge and she comes home.
And then comes in tho the lounge room and say, I have moved your fur jacket again.
She tells me that it freaks her out.
So she had to move it again.
Um really.
It freaks her out?
Its a fake fur jacket.
Does she not realise that she also has a fur jacket and then a parka with a fur trim hanging up in the hall way??
I don't get her at all.
I have tried to understand but she is clearly mental.
Then she brings in a a bowl of soup and eats in and makes so much noise.
Really it is because I totally hate her but her eating soup nearly made me spew.
So I had to leave the room.
Man I hate this woman.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I love the royal family.
I love them.
I am 100% behind them and all that they do.
I once went to Buckingham palace when they opened it in the summer and I loved it.
I love reading about them
I love watching programs on them.
I love it all.
Today, it was announced that Prince William is going to marry Kate Middelton.
I am really really excited.
At work, we have already discussed that we will be lining the streets to wave and cheer them on.
Its to exciting.
Imagine marrying a prince, who will be the king.
Geez, no pressure there then...
I am truly happy for them.
I wish them all the best.
And I may even send a card, because did you know, if you write to the Queen you get a response.
They have these women who right back on behalf of the Queen.
To every letter that they receive.
They send you one back.
Now that is dedication.
I love them.
Love that royal family.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

GT's all around...

New job, new job, new job!!!
I have a new job!!!!
To say I am excited about this is the understatement of the freaking year!
I also had a brilliant birthday.
I then had a lush date x 2.
And my bestie is back with her BF.
Good times are back again!!!!

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

I bet Chris Issak knows how I feel.

I got the blues.
The pre birthday blues.
The I need a new job blues.
The my best friend is being screwed around by her stupid bf and I want to punch him in the face blues.
I got the blues.