Thursday night:
Christmas party - it was not the most amazing night ever, kind went by in a blur and went by really fast. There was drinks a plenty and food was scarce, which equals lots of drunk peeps. Was supposed to go the Hello party after but had to take a drunk girl home, she passed out on my lap in the cab...always fun.
Had the brains to take the day off, then forgot that the plumber was coming around so had to dash home like a mad woman to let him in. Know I don't drink tea or coffee , I've taken a bit of a stance on this and now no one offers because they will know that I will politely decline. But there was this plumber, and he was there for a while fixing stuff and he was English and I just had to offer him something so I offered him some tea. He accepted, then I thought it would be weird if I just made tea for him so I had to make tea for me to. Then I pretended to drink it, but had to run away up stairs so I could get rid of it and not actually have to. Then when he was done he kind of looked at me, then he looked at the kettle and then looked at me again....I showed him the door, I'm sorry but one cup of tea out of me was good enough ,2 is just being greedy!
Got a last minute ticket to the chemical brothers, it was a bit good. Heaps of peakers and made me feel a bit out of the cool loop as I didn't really know there new stuff then spent 2 hours getting home - it ws nightmare. There are 8 million people in London and 22,000 cabs no good odds.
The last Parkinson was on. I really like Parkinson and his simple set, no fancy lights or anything and I will really miss his show. There were guests a plenty and even Dame Edna was representing, it was the last 'interviewing' one, next week is the final final and they are doing a recap of the last million episodes so Ive saved my tears for that.