Thursday, June 18, 2009

Blood = boiling

I have decided to move out, I have no idea where I will move to but I can not put up with the shit that I am currently dealing with for any longer.

Exhibit A:

Hi there,

I know Dave is away this weekend, but we really need to give the house a proper I feel I've been doing it off and on now for a few months, and we still haven't got around to agreeing about a cleaning rota, It gets to level of dirtiness I can't stand, and so find myself having to do it again and again.
(sorry to moan, I know it's so boring. I'm just really fed-up ;o(
My old flat-mates and I cleaned together and got it done in 30 mins or so, which isn't so depressing as doing it on your own, and you get more done faster.
Could we do it together this weekend/evening Dan? Saturday morning-ish is always better for me, as I just like to get it out of the way...and enjoy the rest of my weekend.
We could get it done quickly in an hour or so, like we did months ago?
SO SORRY for long email, and sounding like a broken/moaning record, we never seem to really talk about this, or sort anything out. /rant over.... ;o)
S x

Ok, so you are a gay bitch, and you are right.It is boring and you are moaning and ranting and the fact you put a freaking wink on the email makes you lamer than lame.

So I reply:

I am not sure what I am up to this Saturday so may not be around/awake.
We are never going to find a date that the 3 of us can do this so lets just split it.
This weekend, I will do the kitchen and the lounge, if you want to do the bathroom?
Then , I will write on the calendar our names so each weekend we take turns in doing the whole house and we can do it at time that suits.


Which I think was a pretty straight forward response..apparently not.


Hi there
I'm also not sure what I'm up to on Sat, and I'm not suggesting we do it early morning....but I guess we all have-to make certain compromises....
Hardly any cleaning has been done over the last few months, so it's not much to ask really...
Sorry, I'm feeling really fed-up as I feel I have-to make compromises....when I also want to go out and enjoy the weekends with my friends as much as I can too..
Of course people should clean at a time that can be whenever doesn't have-to be weekends.....but up until now no-one has, the place just gets more and more dirty and because I can't bear it anymore, I find myself having to do it.
When I got back from Wales on Monday evening a few weeks back, the place was grim and I found myself having to vacuum throughout, and clean the bathroom.
Certainly not something I felt like doing, I was peeved no-one had bothered to do anything ...and to be honest with you, it's like that almost every weekend...
I don't want to live like this anymore, taking showers in a grimy bath, sitting in a messy lounge,'s horrible.
We need to write down exactly what needs doing, as no-one vacuums the stairs, or washes the dirty floors but a full-list would make it more fair....
S x

Ok, so I am still at work, I am dreading going home because heaven help me from completely loosing my sh*t at her when I see her whining face.
The thing I love the most is that she has to justify that she will also be out on Saturday as she is soooo popular and has sooo many friends.
What a fruit cake, this stupid woman.
Here is a thought, if you can not live like this, then MOVE OUT!!!

P.S my house is not dirty, my flatmate is a freak with serious OCD.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Major Grrr..

London is great, but it can also be massively shit at times.
Heaven forbid something really bad would happen cause as soon as there is a problem the whole city comes to a stop.
Like the time it snowed and you could get nowhere so the whole city closed and we built snow men in the park.
Well, today there is a tube strike, great.
It is going to be on for 3 days. T
hey have not told me why they are striking, I am really not sure that any one knows, all I know is that is is a major inconvenience and a huge pain in my ass.
Today, to get to work, I walked.
It took me and hour and a half. Me, Claire and the rest of East London walking along.
Tonight, I have to get a boat to get the Greenwich and then tomorrow I have to walk again to get to my training..I looked it up on street map, at a fast pace it says it will take me 2 hours.
What a flipping joke.

In other news, going to Britney Spears tonight!

Friday, June 05, 2009

Major lameness

My flatmate is lame.
This is not new news, she has been a pork chop for a long time, but every now and gain she bugs me so hard.
This is the email I was sent today...

Hi there,
Just wanted to let you both know a Siemens person came to replace ourfaulty Gas meter today. And he has turned the gas off as he said hecould see ;leakage' on the wall. Paul is coming around tomorrow at 8amto look at this and hopefully switch it back on again!
Also, just wondering if anyone fancies doing a bit of cleaning with meover the weekend?? The place is just bit grotty and dirty, just wouldbe good if we all got together to do it.The windows are disgusting, blah blah blah...and I pulled out thebiggest 'hair ball' out of the bath the other evening I was nearllysick....eugh
ThanksS x

Really,get a life.

There is no freaking way that I am joining in on any group cleaning activity.
What are we supposed to all wear denim overalls and climb ladders and listen to the radio??
I have no plans for the weekend but now I am making some.

She also wants to introduce a roster..a cleaning roster.
If I introduced a roster it would be as follows..clean up your own sh*t.

I refuse to be told that I have to clean on a certain day. I also now that If I do not stick to my day, I will hear all about it.
I vote no on proposition 'clean the house as a team' and I also vote no on proposition 'lets get a cleaning roster'.