Friday, February 27, 2009

2 years down...

So tomorrow, is 2 years since I left ye olde Sydney Town.
It has gone fast at times and slow at other times.
It has overall been quite good, I am starting to make some serious plans though, where to next...I don't know.
If this was a marriage, I would be holding out for a present and traditionally the gift is cotton.
What a gip, but I am going out to buy my self some new socks to celebrate.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What is with the fax machine?

Seriously, am I living in 1982?
Why do I even have a fax machine in my office?
I had to sign a booking today and fax it back..hello why can I not email it to you?
apparently that would not do.
So I go to the fax machine, try to turn it on and it just beeps at my and the screen is blank.
I type in a phone number and hit send and the paper goes through and that is it.
Has it gone?
Did it go to the right place?
How the hell am I suppose to know where my fax turned up?
How can I send a piece of paper to a phone number?
I get back to my desk and email the person who required the fax and ask them if they got it..
They said... no.
Ok, I said, well it does not work then.
They tell me that fax is the only way they will accept a booking.
So I said fine, I wont book with you, if fax id the most advance form of communication that you will use then you will not see a dime from me as my brands are way to advance for this b.s
In the end, they accepted a email...just like everyone else!
Fax machines, pfft, useless.
I might as well of sent a carrier pigeon.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just saw Baby spice Emma Bunton and hot boyfriend and uber cutie baby walking down the street.. I win!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I like Valentines day, always have, always will.

I don't care if I am in a relationship or not, I think it is sweet.
I am sick of people who say it is just a commercial made up holiday...are you only saying that as you have no one to buy you flowers...most probably.

So this year, me and some girlfriends decided to get involved and go all out to a fetish club for a valentines day ball.
It was really the most full on thing I have ever done, and it was awesome. There were gimps, naked people, slaves, people getting walked on, men with feet fetishes licking peoples toe jam, I saw a guy who wanted people to put there cigarettes out on him... there were also some lovely normal people there who we chatted to that just wanted to see what was going on like we did, but then they got a bit weird and asked us to join them down stairs...

The downside being that I am a broken woman today, some fatty trod on my foot and it is majorly bruised and I have lost a toe nail, lucky my man does not have a foot fetish cause it is currently out of action.

And I love that in my job, I speak to a hundred and one people on a Monday and they always ask what did I get up to on the weekend... so my response went to a party...ha ha suckers, you have no idea.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Friends are awesome.

When you need a favour, friends can help you out.

So my mobile phone has died after a long painful slow death and I needed a new one. I will be damned if I am ever buying a new phone, and I am not really fussed by what type of phone I have as long as you can take pictures then I am happy as we all know that a picture message can say a thousand words.

So my lovely friend very generously gave me his old phone to uses. He told me that he had gone through and deleted all the incriminating shots on there, as he is a fan of the naked photo (who isn't really) but when I took the phone home and was looking through it what did I find... nothing more that a lovely picture of a naked man.
Yes, a faceless naked man in all his nakedness there on my phone.


Thursday, February 05, 2009

TV rules

There is a new program on TV over here and it is called 'Boys and Girls alone'.
It is brilliant .
The premise is simple, it is 10 boys, and 10 girls all under the age of 12 living alone in two big houses in the country. There is a boys house and a girls house (don't want any funny business) and the kicker is that there are no parents.
So no parents means there are no rules, no order, no cleanliness, no food and pretty much just chaos.
The boys have been playing water fights non stop, some of them found paint and filled the water pistols with that and starting shooting everyone, then there was a massive fight that the cameraman had to break up.
They are also having trouble eating and are living on a diet of raw pasta and cold baked beans. The funniest bit was when little Sid went to make some pot noodles and couldn't find the on button for the kettle so used cold water and then realised that wouldn't work so ate nothing and just cried behind a curtain.
The girls on the other hand and being total snot noses little cows.
And they had a massive screaming match because one groups of girls would not wash up so the other group yelled at them and threw the washing up liquid at them - never going to get you very far.
Then to make up for it, they went into there rooms and wrote things like, 'you are all going to die', and 'death is coming' and then they pretended it was ghost that wrote it. So the other girls all cried as they were scarred out of their pants. And then the girls that did it, said oh no no, it is a joke we did it as a joke to bring us closer together!!!
What a bunch of little freaks.
Can't wait for next weeks episode, there is fight between the boys over the water pistols again as they have run out of dry clothes and the girls all turn on the fat ginger girl, typical.
This really is quality viewing, well it is a toss up between this show and the program that is on tonight...'The worlds most surgically enhanced woman and me'.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Paris is burning ( it's not, but the song says that)

Paris is lovely, went on the weekend with some Friends on the Euro star, such a brilliant idea. Get on a train, have a muffin and a bit of a snooze and then wake up in another country - brilliant!
We did heaps of stuff, my favorite being the walking up the Eiffel Tower, I was not a fan of the height bit but the view was well worth the fear of dying.
And who knew you could be hit on by a hot straight man in a gay bar...all this time, I had no idea!

NKOTB are freaking awesome

So back when I was 12 I was a fan of the new Kids, not a massive fan but I liked them enough. I heard they were back together and touring, but really name me a band from the 90's who isn't?
Last weekish, I got a ticket to go see them and let me just say...they were brilliant.

Who knew they had so many good songs?
Admittedly they also have a few shit songs which where used for a bathroom break but the hits outweighed the duds.

The one bit in the middle that was crap and that I do not get and also baffled everyone I was with was that when they were doing some soppy love ballad they had a video montage of people that they missed who had I guess it was people that had inspired them or given them hope - nice gesture but seriously...they had a picture of Biggy Smalls and Tupak - didn't know NKOTB where into rap but maybe Donnie was a fan.
Then they had..Kurt Cobain - now I wouldn't really pick Nirvana having that much in common with 5 guys who wore Fido Dido t shirts!
They had a picture of Heath Ledger, now really, what is that all about?

It was defos a random part of the show but ill forgive them as after that they came back with a killer new song. It has Nicole what is her name from the pussy cat dolls so instant hit right there.
It was a kick ass show and I loved it (apart from the montage).

I never though that I would be watching NKOTB whilst drinking a glass of wine but 12 years since the disbanded, they still have the Right Stuff - see what I did there...hilarious.