365 days down ...

Today is one year since I left Sydney.
When I left I didn't really have any set time line for how long I was going for, I still don't. But I like it here, I think I will stay for a while, not sure if it will be a year more or two years but there is heaps more stuff I need to do over here.
In the last year I have done some rad stuff, seen cool things, ate dodgy food, stayed in some shit holes, met some cool people, danced on a few bars, took a million photos and all in all had a brilliant time. Since being in London I have had a ball, had some wicked opportunities and got some to do some rad stuff ,mainly due to my job.
Today I booked a massive campaign, it is a first and whilst I can't not take all the credit for it, I am happy to take quite a bit. The picture above is of the massive bottle of Verve that I got delivered today to say thanks for the booking - it is nearly the size of my head and might be a little to big to drink on my own so ill keep it for a special occasion...my sister is coming to visit so think that might be a good time, she loves the bubly.
So in short, London rocks. I highly recommend it, if anyone is thinking of doing it, just bite the bullet and book that ticket and if you want a kick arse job where you get magnums of champagne delivered then I will hook you up.