Thursday, February 28, 2008

365 days down ...

Today is one year since I left Sydney.
When I left I didn't really have any set time line for how long I was going for, I still don't. But I like it here, I think I will stay for a while, not sure if it will be a year more or two years but there is heaps more stuff I need to do over here.
In the last year I have done some rad stuff, seen cool things, ate dodgy food, stayed in some shit holes, met some cool people, danced on a few bars, took a million photos and all in all had a brilliant time. Since being in London I have had a ball, had some wicked opportunities and got some to do some rad stuff ,mainly due to my job.
Today I booked a massive campaign, it is a first and whilst I can't not take all the credit for it, I am happy to take quite a bit. The picture above is of the massive bottle of Verve that I got delivered today to say thanks for the booking - it is nearly the size of my head and might be a little to big to drink on my own so ill keep it for a special sister is coming to visit so think that might be a good time, she loves the bubly.
So in short, London rocks. I highly recommend it, if anyone is thinking of doing it, just bite the bullet and book that ticket and if you want a kick arse job where you get magnums of champagne delivered then I will hook you up.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Just like home

I left a few things behind when I left Sydney, mainly clothes, cds, shoes, my ashtray collection (not normal ashtrays, the cool 1950 type) heaps of bags, bits and pieces.
They are in a few boxes, scattered around the country. I miss my things some imes, other times I think they are just material stuff and I obviously don't need them because I have been doing fine with out them. but then again, I am really looking forward to the nostalgicness( is that a word) that I will get whenever I go back home and open up those boxes and look at my stuff.
Mainly I really miss my leopard print shoes, my Lamb wrist bag, my leopard bag, my yellow and black and white stripe Paddington coat and my green dress and all my jackets.

Jackets are important, I always take a jacket even if its 100 degrees outside, now don't get me wrong, I am totally still in love with my leather jacket, I wear it everywhere and at all time and its not been in a cloak room (and will never be) but I wish I had my old jackets to shake things up a bit, wear something different, go for a different look etc.

My fav jacket of all time is probably my brown suede bomber jacket. Ive had it for years, I got it at a market, it cost me a couple of bucks but its so rad, it looks best with jeans.
I asked my ma to send it over, it was going to cost a million dollars so I said don't bother and I had resided to the fact that I would not be wearing it any time soon, but then a friend of hers was coming to London, so she asked her to bring it with her...she did. and now i have it!
It was a special moment when I went to pick it up, it bought a little tear to my eye and it smelt just like home, well actually it smelt a bit like a jacket that had been in a box for 10 months but whatevs. The icing on the cake was that my ma had put it in a Lowes bag.
Gotta love a Lowes bag, with its big crappy logo, reminds me of buying socks for fathers day, ah Lowes, better than Best & Less in my book, but still crap, but still very Australian and good for supplying bags to transport favourite jackets in to me in London.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

So you want to know me now...

So when I was about 12 me and my sister shared a room, no biggy. But she had a really good tape collection, I also had a few tapes but she had really good ones. She had this one tape that was from a Q magazine and it was a compilation of songs. There was one song on the tape that I loved and when she was not there I used to play it over and over and over ( sorry sis). Then I don't know what happened but I didn't listen to the tape any more, I don't know where it went, I asked her a few years ago and she had no idea what I was talking about.
So for years I've been singing this song to myself, wondering who its by, what it is called its slowly been eating away at me, I was thinking I would go to my grave never knowing.
Until now.
Today, I was at work, listening to Radio One as always and typing away and I hear it. They are playing the freaking song!!! Not only that but they back announce it and tell me who it is by and what it is called!! I nearly fell off my chair, its taken 14 years but final I know what this amazing song is. It lived up to all the memories I had and I googled the crap out of it and now played it a thousand times. It is my number one and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted now that I know. For those playing at home, the song is called Yes, by McAlmont and Butler and it has total made my day, week, last 14 years worth while.
And P.S I named my blog after one of my favorite songs, and I would of named it after this song if I had knowns it name...maybe next time.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Getting the hump

My flatmate has gone away for 2 weeks, which is great. Don't get me wrong, I really like her but its nice to have a bit more room around the house...or so I thought. My other flatmate has got his mum staying with us for the exact amount of time that other flatmate is away.
Now, I don't mind if people stay over, we all have peeps over, friends crash, guest call, its all cool and we are all fine with it, but I think your mum staying for two weeks is going to drive me mad.
This morning, I got up to go to work and she was in the shower in my time slot. We have one shower and there are usually three of us that have to get up roughly the same time, so my slot is 7am - 7.15 but if I over sleep my second time slot is 7.30 - we are running a very tight ship at my place but it works well.
Now flatmates mum is on holiday, she has nothing to do and last night she said she was just staying home today and she is in the bathroom kicking about at 7am!!! This is almost as annoying as senior citizens on the tube in peak hour , why do it, its not good for you, its not good for me it is just a major pain in my bum.
So she faffed about in the bathroom, do not know what she was doing in there, but 40 minutes later I got a look in.
Nothing like cracking the sh*ts as a way to start your day, luckily we have endless hot water otherwise I would of totally lost it.
If she does it again I am defo saying something, I have a job to get to lady and you better stay away from my shower time slot other wise I am cutting the water on you!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Love day

I've always been a fan of Valentines day.
If I'm single I love it, if I am not I love it as well.
People do the whole ' its a Hallmark holiday' thing but whatever, I think the people saying that are the ones that are not getting anything.
I've had some good Valentines in the past, I got flowers delivered to my desk once, got taken to a fancy restaurant, got a nice dinner, got a few lovely cards, my faves are the home made kind. This year, its looking like drinks with friends, not a bunch of angry women who cant get any, but just a catch up so we dont all sit at home and cry cause we are lonely.
At work we are having a 'wooing' competition where you pick a name out of a hat and do romantic stuff and surprise etc. I have been writing love poems all day, one girl got a paper clip necklace. One guy got a 6 sheets poster put up outside our office and the best so far is this guy sits near a window on the next level down so the girl made a sign and dangled it out the window so its hanging right near where he sits - gold!
I think Hallmark is missing a trick though, if you have been seeing some one for 8 days , there really isn't a card that is suitable. They are all a bit to romantic and lovey. I think Ill make my millions by making cards that say 'We just meet, I think you are hot, thanks for the last 8 days. they were ace'.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Disappointment is a hard one. When some one tells me that I disappointed them, it really hurts my feeling, I really feel like I've let them down. So to counter this, I try to avoid disappointment in my life. For me and for other people, really they should teach you at school to not aim to high cause you will only be disappointed. Only ever have mediocre excitement so when it actually happens you will be extremely happy and excited, that way it will only ever be good times not bad.

So ages ago I was going to the Ivy, it didn't happen. I was miffed and dissapointed, I told everyone I was going and I was really looking forward to it but you know these things happen, it fell through. But its months later, I got over it and now this Friday I am supposed to be going to the Ivy but then today I found out today that we cant get a table, apparently you have to book months in advance.
So as a second best we are going to Nobu, I guess that is ok but to be honest it aint the Ivy, the only reason I want to go to the Ivy is to say I have been, I'm sure I wont like the food and it will be over priced and naff but I just want to go so I can say I've been. I bet Madonna doesn't have the same problems that I do, I bet Kylie Minogue doesn't get her hopes up for a nice lunch at Ivy only to be bitterly disappointed when she is told that she can't get a table and has to settle for Nobu instead.
Maybe me and the Ivy are not ment to be, Nobu better deliver and I mean it better deliver the celebs, its a Friday during fashion week so I will have my camera a ready.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Made it

I think I have made it in this town, I think this because I have now got business cards. Ive worked here about 7-8 months, I passed the trial period, I got the job ages ago. But now in my eyes, it is officaial because I got the business cards.
I've never really know what to do with them, who do you give them to? Do I carry them in my wallet? I'm not in sales, my clients know who I am and how to contact be honest, I dont really get it. Still, you can stick whiskers on kittens and brown paper packages tied up with string, business cards are one of my all time favorite things.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


My mum always used to write letters complaining about things. Not just in general but I remember when we were kids an she bought something and it was not right she would write them a letter and usually get something for free. My dad did it once because they changed the ingredients in his cigarettes and he got a box of free cigarettes. I think I come from a long list of complainers cause my grandma like to have a good moan but that might just be cause she is English. I find as I am getting older I am writing a few letters when something ticks me off , I just feel the need to get it off my chest...

On Saturday night I went out in my area, to a few bars then was due to meet up with some friends at a club/bar. The short of it is we were not let in and I had a massive go at the door guy/girl/idiot wearing a plastic bag as a dress thinking he/she /it was all that because there was NO reason why we should not of been let in and they/she/it called me a bi*ch as we were walking away.
So instead of letting it rest, I wrote a letter today to the manager of the bar and I am not stopping there, I am sending my letter to Time Out magazine which does a 'Name & Shame' section and fingers crossed they publish my 5 cents worth.

Once the smoke stopped coming out from my ears,I was talking to this guy who is from Chilli. He was super interested in me being from Australia and was asking lots of questions. He asked me what a traditional Australian food was.... Ummm...the meat pie? A Pavlova? Am I a bad Australian because I don't know the answer?
Then he asked me what a traditional Australian dance was...The bus stop? The nutbush?The Locomotion? honestly I have no idea it can't be a corroboree cause I've never done one of them but I am first on the dance floor when the Nutbush comes on.
Unfortunately he didn't ask me what a traditional Australian emblem was, cause I would of aced that question.

Saturday, February 02, 2008


Had a work trivia night last night. I love trivia, my forte is definately celebrties and pop culture. What are Bob Geldolf's kids called? What did the little kid say at the end of the credits on every episode of the X files? What street did they live on in the show Roseanne? tick, tick, tick - I am rad!

So it was a good night, few glasses of rose, some dodgy finger food and a bit of cheating (not my team) we didnt win but 4th out of 8 is ok. Without a doubt the highlight of the evening was the following question...What is the national emblen for Australia? now as I was the only Aussie presnt I had this in the bag, much to my teams delight. I might also add, that if the question was ' What is the emblem for England?' I would also have know that. But no one, out of 8 teams of about 8 people knew what theAustralian emblem was. A lot of people put Eucalyptus, which ill be fair ,is ok in my books, its common, people know it, its more talked about than the lame old wattle tree.

But one answer made me laugh so hard I cried...TheFig. Seriously, they put 'The Fig' as Australias emblem. Now come on, why?? There is nothing in my mind that makes me thing of Figs when I think of Australia, the Wattle is green and gold, that is a clue right there, but the fig...its brown/purple and its a fruit..WTF???

I was laughing and crying for a good twenty minutes about this, so we decided that we would change Australias emblem from the Wattle to The Fig and Englad would change theres from the Rose to a scone with clotted cream and jam....maybe even Fig jam.