I remember at primary school, one of my friends bought in her pet mouse and we were all having a hold and talking about it and then I was
holding it and then mouse did a poo in my hand and then I dropped it. It ran away.It was never seen again.
Some 20 years later, I am living in a big old house in London and we have a mouse.
A few weeks ago my flatmate said she saw it scurry across the floor, so she went out and bought 27 mouse traps to catch it. The mouse is a bit clever and has yet to fall fro the traps, even though my flatmate is convinced that
peanut butter is the secret mouse catching ingredient.
Then last night I was awoken by my stupid flatmate screaming her head off, I jump out of bed thinking she was being attacked, or that she had cut her finger
off or that we had been robbed, but no, it was because she saw the mouse again.
So dumb dumb other flatmate comes down and starts whacking the broom around the place, trying to squish the mouse, but he ran under the stove. Then both flatmates are on the floor with a torch trying to coax the mouse out with food.
You idiots, as if the mouse is going to come out for a piece of cheese 2 minutes after you were trying to
splatter him all over the floor.
Now, if I had a choice I would vote for no mouse, but it is not really that bad as he seems to hang in the kitchen at night and just occasional gets caught out.
A few months ago I
spack filled a few holes and was a bit scared of a mouse attach, mainly of a mouse jumping into my bed when I was asleep and having a snack on my ear, but now I have come to terms with the mouse and to be honest if he wants to hang in my house when I am not there that is fine with me.
I think he might have it in for my flat mate though, She has seen him 4 times, I have never seen him. I have also decided that he is a boy so i refer to him as 'him', and she tells me he is black, so, I have called him
blackie. I might even leave some
Camembert out for him tonight, just for a little treat.
Idiot flatmates 0. Mouse 1